Off to van-life again after some rainy weeks in Frankenjura. Literally we had no day here without rain. Maybe one. Good climbing anyways and getting fit&strong again for new projects in the Alps!
We started a paragliding course (in Frankenjura, no kidding!), very exciting!!! A very unfamiliar terrain for Chris and myself! You simply start by running down a hill as fast as you can with a harness and a paraglider attached to you. If all goes well and you do exactely what the paragliding instructors tell you you get airborne after a few hours of exhausting down-and-uphill running! That's the unpleasant part of learning this sport...
Next day we got attached to a rope winch and dragged up in the air! Yeah!
I was terrified of flying 250m above solide ground WITHOUT A ROPE!!!
But it is very enjoyable and: hey, I can fly MYSELF! Who has not dreamed of flying?!
Chrissi even managed to be in the BILD-Zeitung last Saturday!
Check out Nürnberger Flugschule!
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